We understand that you’re looking for more than just a good school…
You’re looking for the RIGHT SCHOOL for your child!
At White Oaks Montessori School, our admission process is designed to introduce prospective parents and children to our school and for us to meet new families. Our goal for each child is to find the perfect fit within our school where he or she will thrive and grow. We work together with parents as partners in the admission process to create the BEST match for both the child and the family.
White Oaks Private Montessori School requires a meeting with you and your child before acceptance of the application form. There are no exams or tests required. The application process is initiated by YOU … either by telephone inquiry or by email inquiry, followed by a school open house tour.

1. Book a Tour – Admissions starts with a Parent Tour while your child has an opportunity to enjoy one of our classrooms.
2. You will be invited to either fill out an application form and submit it to us along with the appropriate deposit or receive an online invite via our WOMS Online Enrollment Portal
3. WOMS Registrar will accept your enrollment and your child will be placed in a specific class depending on age (ie Toddler, Casa, Elementary)
Once initial contact has been made, the first step is to arrange for a personal tour. The tour is a two-way process that allows you to find out more about White Oaks Montessori School and introduces us to your child. During the tour, take time to honestly discuss your child’s candidacy and ask any unanswered questions that may be lingering in your mind. These questions can include, but should not be limited to:
- Is White Oaks Montessori willing and eager to involve parents?
- How and how often, does White Oaks Montessori communicate with families?
- Are the students productive, engaged and happy?
- How do the teachers interact with their students?
- What activities will students at your child’s age be expected to perform?
- What are the backgrounds and experiences of the faculty?
- Does White Oaks Montessori employ properly, professionally trained directresses (teachers)?
- How does White Oaks Montessori measure individual achievement and progress?
- Is the campus clean, well lighted, secure?
- Are faculty and staff involved in curriculum development?
- Does what you see reflect our mission … “Through the development of a safe, nurturing environment, we support the developing child in his quest for academic excellence, positive interdependent relationships and the skills necessary for a fulfilling life as an integral valued member of our society”?
- What kind of extra care facilities are offered?
- Does the school feel like a community? Are students interacting with teachers outside as well as inside the classroom?
- Can you picture your child thriving in this environment?
Plan on your tour being 30-45 minutes in duration (tours for admission into the Toddler classroom may be shorter in length). During the tour, you will:
- Meet the principal and/or vice-principal;
- Observe a classroom appropriate for your child’s age;
- See and learn what happens in a Montessori classroom;
- Get an overview of the classrooms your child may progress to in the future;
- Obtain literature on the Montessori method of teaching and how your child will benefit from the process;
- Take a tour of the entire facility; and
- Be given the opportunity to ask questions.
We find that the best time for you to schedule a tour is dependent on the age of your child:
- In the mornings (9:30 am) for children entering the Toddler classroom.
- In the early morning or early afternoon for children entering the Casa Programme(ages 3 through 5).
- For Elementary children, visits are most beneficial Tuesday through Thursday either early morning or early afternoon.
If your child is entering a Casa programme, he or she will also be invited into a classroom (either at the time of the initial tour or at a subsequent, mutually agreed-upon time). This is meant to give your child a chance to see what a Montessori classroom is all about and it gives us a chance to get to know him or her. For a three or four-year-old, a visit will last a half-hour or so, with Mom or Dad close by. For elementary children we arrange for a half or whole day visit. Visitors are sometimes shy at first, but we usually find that the rich array of activities and the friendliness of our students and teachers draw them in.
During an applicant’s visit, the directress welcomes the child into their classroom and he/she is given an opportunity to work with several of the Montessori materials. During this time, the child is assigned to a student who will introduce him/her to the class. The directress assesses the child’s learning style, interests, social/emotional readiness and previous academic preparation (if relevant). In some instances, White Oaks Montessori may request a second visit if the directress believes it would be beneficial to the child (e.g., if the child has had a difficult time separating from the parent or functioning in the classroom environment).
Students enrolled in the Elementary Programme typically have a Montessori background. Students who do not have a Montessori background may apply for admission but parents of such children should be aware that the odds of acceptance are significantly lower. Prospective elementary-level students are invited to spend part of a school day in an Elementary classroom. At the Elementary level, the applicant works along with our students to determine whether their degree of academic preparation and learning style are compatible with our programme.
After your visit, you will either fill out an application form and submit it to us along with the appropriate deposit or receive an online invite via our new WOMS CRAFTS System. Admission of new students into White Oaks Montessori is subject to the availability of space. Please note that if a class is filled and no spaces are available, your child’s name will be put on a waiting list and you will be notified when space becomes available. We will also assess the parent’s expectations of the school and commitment to the Montessori philosophy of education.
Please note…
- Children enrolling in our Toddler Programme must be 18 months of age or more at the time of admission. They do NOT have to be toilet trained.
- Children enrolling in our Casa Programme must be at least 3 years of age as at December 31st in the year in which they are applying and MUST be completely toilet trained.
- Children enrolling in our Elementary Programme must be at least 6 years of age as at December 31st in the year in which they are applying.
We look forward to taking this journey with you
Equal Opportunity … White Oaks Montessori School admits students of any race, colour, national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programmes and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, colour, national and ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, athletic and other school-administered programmes. Once all the information has been collected in our system and verified, the WOMS Registrar will send an online enrollment for your child. Your child will be placed in a class and you will receive a conformation. Our systems and website are designed to keep you informed of all of the activities. There is an online calander that you can upload to your device so you can keep abreast of all the WOMS Functions.