
The White Oaks’ French Montessori programme uses the Gestures Approach or AIM, Accelerative Integrated Method to teach French. This unique French Montessori programme in Mississauga is based on a method that integrates drama and gestures to create an effective FSL Programme. Casa and Elementary students receive French Language instruction 2 to 3 times per week with emphasis on developing their oral language skills.

Please view our French Programme Video

The following is an excerpt of the AIM Gestures programme: 

AIM brings true transformation to the experience of teaching and learning a second language by using these key strategies:

  • Gestures are used to introduce and reinforce vocabulary and enable a target-language only environment. These visual and kinesthetic props allow new words and associated grammar to pass directly to meaning, so there is no need to translate back into the first language.
  • Useful, key words are taught first. The most useful and highest-frequency words have been carefully selected and are introduced within the first few hours of instruction, giving students the tools they need to communicate from the very first class.
  • Content-based instruction has been carefully designed to create an Immersion-like experience where students focus on task-based activities relating to dramatic arts and literacy. Each kit culminates in activities that synthesize all that has been acquired through the kit.
  • An inductive, contextualized approach to grammar ensures abstract grammar concepts are taught in a meaningful way. Grammar raps help students understand language patterns. Students are amazed to discover that grammar can be both cool and fun!
  • Cooperative learning activities get students working with each other, speaking and writing creatively in the target language.

The highly participatory and active learning environment in an AIM classroom ensures students of all abilities and learning styles are supported.



Music can touch us in a way that nothing else can. No better gift can we give to the children than to open this door for them.” – Dr. Montessori

Please view our Music Programme Video

Music is so rich in terms of history, culture and the effect it can have on our minds and body. There is almost nothing sweeter than seeing a baby starting to rock its body or move its arms when you sing together.

Music and the absorbent mind
The young child has an absorbent mind and has the ability to easily absorb and take things in fr om their environment. We’ve talked before about providing a rich environment for the child – a beautiful and engaging home environment, rich language spoken around them – and this includes exposure to music.

In the same way as it is important to be in a language environment to learn spoken language, we can create and provide a musical environment for children where they absorb the words of songs, the rhythms, and the appreciation for playing musical instruments.”- Judi Orion, Montessori trainer

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